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Support bioresonance?
Want more people to know about the method?

Tell about your experience in BIOMEDIS devices application!
Send us your unique video review to take part in the competition and your opinion will be heard by hundreds of people!

BIOMEDIS video reviews competition is:

Gifts to every participant – 20% discount promo code

Super prizes to the winners – TRINITY, ZENWAVE, АCTIWAY, BIOSKY
and a secret gift!

Serving our mission – to spread the ideas of bioresonance

Send your reviews
and win BIOMEDIS
devices to:
  launch the self recovery processes of the body with the natural method;
  look 10 years younger and stay in resource;
  Open the super powers of your brain and master the skill of projecting the favorable events, changing your life for the better.
The effect of recovery and development of human abilities is based on the principals of bioresonance correction and authors’ developments of BIOMEDIS.

How winners are chosen?

Winners are chosen by the jury of 11 participants
by means of open voting, by the majority of votes.
The jury consists of the partners and employees of BIOMEDIS company.

How to increase your chances to win?

Record the informative and useful review.
Tell your story in a sincere and creative way.
Send a few reviews about different devices and results.

Download the short instruction «How to record a video review»

Hundreds of users have already taken part in recent competitions
They could make it and you can!

Have any questions?
Write to our email address or send us your video reviews!

All the video reviews that went through moderation
will be posted on BIOMEDIS Youtube channel

The winners will be announced after November 25th
in the «News» section